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Lower Saxony Netherlands

Bentheim province lies right on the Dutch border and protrudes into our neighbouring country like a bay. This proximity to the border has numerous advantages. Many Dutch and residents of the province 'shop' and 'cycle' (Fietse = bike, bike = bicycle) across the border.

The charming landscape invites to explore, with a wide variety of events and leisure activities offering something for everyone. There have also been strong contacts and relations in the cultural and economic fields for a long time.

This page has been compiled in collaboration with Grafschaft Bentheim Tourism


The region is full of all kinds of sporting opportunities and events.Even when the weather is not so good, you can enjoy sports in our province: you will find farmer's golf, for example. Would you like to cycle anyway? Then follow a cycle route to one of the art roads.



With the 'Grafschafter Spurensuche', you can explore more than 320 km of signposted hiking trails, on which you can cross the entire region. In addition to the 80-kilometre route 'In the footsteps of the Podagrists', 15 day tours have been developed with a length of 6 to 35 kilometres, which run through all municipalities and towns in Grafschaft Bentheim. This way, you get to know beautiful landscapes and fascinating stories: go on a trail in Grafschaft Bentheim province! Part of the long-distance route Handelsweg also runs through the region. The Obergrafschaft has its own network of hiking trails.



Boundless cycling pleasure

Take a relaxing ride on your 'Fietse', as bicycles are also called in Grafschaft Bentheim. Through a mostly flat landscape, you will cycle on beautiful roads through meadows, forests, villages and towns. Along rivers, lakes and canals - with plenty of time in between for 'Kaffee mit Kuchen', of course. Explore castles, mills and farms. And learn about the people, the landscape, nature and culture, from the famous Bentheimer sandstone to the art road stations. More than 1,200 km of cycle paths await you. Up the pedals!


Bronze Age Uelsen

Bronze Age Uelsen

Hidden behind tall trees, you enter an area with a unique feel.

Welcome to the Bronze Age farm in Uelsen, a place full of history and living archaeology. Here, not far from the source of the Linnenbach and surrounded by tall trees and shrubs, you can immerse yourself in the world of our ancestors from more than 100 generations ago.

The Bronze Age courtyard is part of an impressive project created in close cooperation with the municipality of Uelsen, the Lower Saxony State Office for Heritage Conservation and many other partners. Together, a prehistoric farmhouse was reconstructed, providing an insight into the life of Bronze Age people on the Riedberg.

Bronze Age Uelsen

Bronze Age Uelsen

Visitors of all ages are welcome to take part in the many events taking place throughout the year. From the Uels Bronze Age Days to the Festival of Living Archaeology, there is much to discover and experience. Artisans and artists display their skills, weaving, dyeing wool, casting bronze and making music with traditional instruments such as the lyre.

The permanent exhibition in the Blekkers Hofcafé presents archaeological finds such as ceramics and tools, as well as informative panels and film footage of the Bronze Age in Uelsen and its surroundings. Here, visitors can learn more about the living conditions and culture of early Bronze Age people.


Crank spring across the Vecht

Crank spring across the Vecht

Cyclists and hikers can combine their trip with a special river tour.

Cyclists and hikers can combine their trip with a short, special river trip. If you want to reach the other side, you have to do it yourself. Powered by muscle power, the ferry glides through the water.


The crank spring boat cannot be used during the autumn/winter season as it is removed from the water. The crank spring boat in Laar is in use from April to October (depending on the weather).

Bad Bentheim

Bad Bentheim

The days off are among the best of the year and should be carefully considered.

We look forward to welcoming you as a guest in our city.

A short day trip or an annual holiday: maybe - no - definitely you already have the destination in your hands! As a modern spa town with a historical background, Bad Bentheim offers a variety of attractions for everyone.

Interesting museums , relaxation and swimming fun in the cool water, as well as beautiful nature for long walks and cycle tours - here everyone gets their money's worth.

Our castle will show you the way from afar and give you a warm welcome.

The castle and many other attractions in Bad Bentheim, such as the Sandstone Museum and the Museum am Herrenberg, invite you to visit.

And more...

Windmühle Laar

Windmühle Laar

This beautiful mill stands on the banks of the Vechte river in the heart of Laar. The aim of our club is to preserve and maintain the mill. Our club has existed since 1983 and is still active today. The mill in Laar can be rented for events. It is perfect for birthday parties and weddings. Since 2017, you can also rent the newly built house for events. This space is ideal for larger events.

The Vechtezomp is now also available. This is a boat that sails from Laar to Gramsbergen, Coevorden or Zwieseborg. You can hire the boat for group trips or take part in public tours. More information can be found here .

The association meets every Wednesday evening to carry out renovation work on the mill. If you would like to visit or are interested in the mill association, you are welcome to attend on Wednesday evenings.

Bad Bentheim Canyon

Bad Bentheim Canyon

From now on, you can dance💃🕺Swing again, as the dance hall "Canyon" on the outdoor stage is open again!
On Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 7pm, a DJ will provide appropriate dance music.
Access with note 2-G rule
In outdoor stage 2
Bad Bentheim

Discover the Moor and our baskets

Durch Das Moor

Durch Das Moor

Ein Weg durch das Moor

"Dick eingepackt liege ich auf einem Steg, blinzle nach oben in den Himmel und bestaune ein Licht- und Schattenspiel aus den Blättern der Baumkronen und Sonnenstrahlen.

Jetzt - in der Herbstzeit - gleiten einige in Gold und Rot verfärbte Blätter durch die Luft. Vögel zwitschern leise in dieser angenehmen Stille und erinnern mich an den letzten Frühling. Ich halte inne, erde mich und bin dankbar für diesen wundervollen Moment der Achtsamkeit." (Zitat einer Besucherin)

Wenn auch du diesen Moment in Verbindung mit einem Spaziergang auf dem 1,2 km langen Holzbohlenweg - knapp über den Torfboden , durch ein besonderes Wäldchen mit anschließendem Picknick genießen möchtest, dann bist du in Hoogstede richtig. Das kunstwegen-Objekt "Ein Weg durch das Moor" von Peter Fischli/David Weiss.

Kunst und Natur an einem Platz - eine spannende Kombination, die sich auf deinen Besuch freut und übrigens auch Teilstation einiger Wander- und Radrouten unserer Gemeinde ist.

Grafschafter Korb

Grafschafter Korb

The lovingly composed Grafschafter basket and regional specialities of the highest quality is an ideal gift for any occasion: for a birthday or anniversary, as a thank-you gift or as a very special souvenir of a wonderful holiday in Grafschaft Bentheim . The buckwheat biscuits are reminiscent of the peat-cutter families in the Lower County, who ate many dishes based on buckwheat. In a rural region, beehives are as much a part of the landscape as fruit trees. Honey from local beekeepers and home-made jams are proof of that. Grafschafter herb juniper is distilled from the juniper berries from the local heathlands with local wheat and juniper. Of course, this also includes products from the Colourful Bentheimer Pig. This ancient domestic breed from Bentheim province was almost extinct a few years ago before being rediscovered by local breeders. The Grafschafter basket is available in three different sizes and can be ordered directly from the suppliers.

Wellness and health

Cures in Bentheim

Cures in Bentheim

Relax, get healthy and regain your strength with a treatment - this is a centuries-old tradition in Bad Bentheim. With an outpatient preventive treatment, formerly called open or free spa treatment, you can choose your own appointment, doctor and accommodation. If your health is already weakened, preventive treatment is recommended. Outpatient preventive treatment aims to prevent illness.
Unlike inpatient rehabilitation, in outpatient preventive treatment you have many options. Together with your GP or specialist, you are free to choose a recognised spa, a local spa doctor and local accommodation. You come to the specialised clinic with the prescriptions for therapeutic services provided by your spa doctor. All prescribed treatments such as baths, packs, massages, physiotherapy and electrotherapy are carried out in modern physiotherapy departments. Many of the treatments are based on the natural remedies sulphur mineral water and thermal brine.

Grafschafter Delicacy

Grafschafter Delicacy

Throughout the Grafschaft you will find in orchards, or simply in the wild, various cherries, berries, plums, apples and pears, ideal for delicious dishes, but also processed in juice, ice cream, jams and compotes. Enjoy our fruit at breakfast, lunch, as well as in between meals.